This page was last updated on January 25, 2025
Always Express Appreciation & Love with Fnp
Ferns N Petals! is a large flower and gifts retailer with a large gamut of gift options that it offers. With more than 200 outlets in 90+ cities throughout India, the retailer has served 4 million+ customers till date. But while its physical outlets have played an integral role in the popularity of the brand, its online store has now turned into a one-stop solution for anyone looking for unique gifting ideas. Be it a birthday, anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or sending something to your colleagues or business associates convey through Ferns N Petals with best discounts on collection anytime.
Gift the Way You Like to Special Someone
No matter what the occasion is, the online store has something for everyone. The store will cater to all your needs in a seamless manner. Sending flowers and gifts to your loved ones with this online portal makes sure to bring that bright smile on the recipients face. Simply visit their official website and start browsing through the widest variety of fresh and beautiful flowers, delicious cakes and lot more personalized gifts. You don't have to rethink the costs that you spend on orders as the store takes special care of providing everything at affordable rates with Fnp coupons.
Tracking Your Order is Simple and Easy to Do
Once you have ordered a gift from Ferns N Petals, you can access the option to track it throughout its delivery to make sure that it reaches on time. Apart from its online website, it also has an amazing mobile app which you can use for placing orders and tracking them. With the help of the mobile app, rest assured that you’d be able to send the best gifts to your loved ones on-the-go.
What Else You Should Know About FNP?
The brand has also expanded itself and has launched a number of other platforms like FNP Weddings, The Flagship Store, FNP Floral Touch, and Wedding Design Hub. With the help of these platforms, you can make sure that every important event in your life is celebrated in the most memorable manner. You can even order the Birthday Presents, Personalized Gifts using the offers available on gift items listed.
Most Reliable and Quick Delivery Service
Apart from the quality of the products available at the store, Ferns N Petals also understand the importance of delivering your gifts at the right time. It has an extensive delivery network throughout the country and has partnered with a number of renowned delivery service providers for domestic and international delivery.
It is with the help of this reliability that the store is able to offer services like Same Day Delivery, Midnight Delivery, 3-Hour Delivery and a lot more. The services are available almost throughout the country including all the major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chennai, among others.
Ultimate Savings with Ferns n petals Coupons & Offers
Gifting fresh flowers or sending yummy cakes could gift an awesome experience for your loved ones. To help in the way of gifting, CouponZeta would travel with you, We feature a large number of Ferns N Petals offers and discount codes with the help of which you can avail amazing discounts on the products you want to purchase from the online florist. All the coupon codes are completely free and can be instantly applied to allow you to earn significantly every time you want to order something for your loved ones.
How to Use Ferns n Petals Discount Coupon
Simply search for Ferns N Petals at CouponZeta and you’ll have several latest fnp deals on the store page. Read the promotional offers and pick one that suits you to activate the code. When you have the code, just copy and paste it on the checkout page at Ferns N Petals. The linked offer will be applied to your order.
Popular Ferns N Petals Offers to Help You in Savings
Category | Discount |
Flowers | Flat 20% OFF |
Anniversary Gifts | Get 15% OFF |
SiteWide Offers | Flat 18% OFF |
Bank Offers | Flat 20% OFF |
Custom Cakes | Rs 250 OFF |
Same Day Delivery | Upto 20% Discount |
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